Looking for enrichment ideas to do with your K-2 student who is meeting or exceeding benchmarks in the classroom? Here are a few ideas you can do at home...
- Play as many memory matching games as you can
- Compare and contrast different parts of the story (characters, setting, plot, other stories) or with other stories
- Make your child justify their responses (for or against something and why?)
- Have story discussions (not just answering questions about the story)
- Play games like Boggle and Sudoku or work through Logic Puzzles, Rebus Puzzles, Number Puzzles and Analogies
- Have students complete or create Word Ladders
- Work on your child's creativity by stressing Fluency (coming up with as many different ideas as they can), Originality (something no one else will think of), Flexibility (looking at things from a different point of view), and Elaboration (embellish on ideas).
- Ask your child questions on various topics using a combination of the following questions stems which will develop more critical thinking: WHAT, HOW, WHEN/WHERE, WHY, WHICH, WHO with DID, CAN, IS, WOULD, MIGHT, WILL
- Categorize and sort anything into groups! (Objects, random pictures, characters or things in a story)